Top 5 hairstyle for mommies

Just because you need your a mother doesn't mean you feel forget being stylish. Style doesn't really mean in your clothes or wearing make-up all the time. A mother can be fashionable and beautiful by just her hairstyle whether you're outside on the 

When you are pregnant with your baby, it is said the nutrients your hair need is being transferred to the baby instead. So you will notice your hair won't grow so long and you will need to cut it. But still remember whether you want to your hair remain or you cut it short, there are different style you can enjoy with.

Here are the Top 5 hairstyle for mommies:

1. Wear a hairband 

There are a lot of different cute-design in using hairbands when you go out on reunions, with your friends or have a day with your baby. This doesn't a minute to style it up, just comb your hair, put the hair band and you're ready to go to start your day. There are also hairbands matches for you and your baby styles. 

2. Do it a Chignon style 

Chignon style will make you look simple yet pretty to look at. Just a few pins here and there you will have the style you want in just 5 or 10 minutes and get more time to do the housework. This doesn't take too much time in doing and here is a simple step to do a chignon style:

3. Go back old style: Bun it up!

Why not go back to the basic? Style it up in a bun! But creating a perfect bun is something really hard to do. It would take 15-30 minutes just to put it up (at least I tried it). Here is a tutorial to make a perfect bun for your hair:

4. Side Braids

Ponytails are also perfect for mommies but having it tight the same time again and again. You can still go for a ponytail but style it up and a alternative siding it up and braiding it. You can use a fashionable clip or elastic hair bands.

5. Cut it Short or PageBoy

Short hair is the best for mommies. No worries in having your hair caught up in your clothes or having your children accidentally put it on their mouths. You will feel more breeze and easier to move when doing house chores or shopping.


  1. Chignon Style! Classy and clean!

  2. hahaha, i'd still go with my normal ponytail. mukhang hindi ko keri ung chignon :P

  3. I really wish I knew how to do French braid! I'm always in ponytail, haha!

  4. I agree, short hair is the best for mommies, wash and wear lang. :) Ponytail lang kaya ko na hairstyle. lol

  5. If my hair is newly rebonded, I just put hairband. But if it's slightly kulot na, I go for ponytail. hahaha...:-D

  6. same here, forever ponytail lang ako :) my hair too thick and heavy to wear every which way. the headband might be doable at least :D

  7. Side braids, chignon and bun for me most of the time if I need to keep my hair up. Ofcourse, there's the ever reliable ponytial :D

  8. I have the hair dilemma now. I can't decide to chopped off my hair again into boys cut kaya I posted it sa FB ko. Kaya lang my Mom doesn't want to chopped it off kasi I look like a boy daw and medjo boyish pa ako since I have 2 sons so I adopted their hobby and likes na din. Haha maybe I'll try the bun na lang since mahilig ako mag pony tail.

  9. still the ever reliable ponytail for me! but i love the chignon, would love to try that when my hair gets longer. ;)

  10. I keep my hair long enough to put it up on a ponytail.

  11. I always have the side braids while on my way to work tapos bun na kapag mejo natuyo na yung hair. Sabog sabog kasi buhok ko kaya everyday Bun ang bestfriend nya. hehehe =)

  12. Bun most of the time! But if it's still wet, I use sectioning clips just to get my hair out of my face. :)

  13. Bun all the way! I want to try short hair but I think it will make my face look rounder, though it is low maintenance.

  14. I remember I used to always wear hairbands last year. Now that my hair is short, I only wear it down. I'd love to do a chignon, though! :D

  15. I always do the chignon style--or the good 'ol ponytail. It depends on my laziness level. LOL!

  16. Love the bun, though my hair is super thick!

  17. Great ideas! I had my hair cut really short a few months after I gave birth. Ang init kasi sa Pinas. Now I'm back to the old ponytail style! Hahaha

  18. Haha, sometimes, yung #5 lagi ang choice but at least most of the time naman, sating mga Filipina, bagay naman ang short hairstyle diba.

  19. I do it ponytail nalang but when my hair was longer, braids lagi. Sometimes, when I feel losyang, I do something special with my hair so I'd feel better.

  20. I do mostly side braids or buns, I don't think short hair suits me. Saka ayaw ni hubby magpagupit ako hehe.

  21. I do chignons, buns and basic ponytails. I love headbands, but I find that they get in the way of my glasses hehe.

  22. Right now I feel like my hair's forever getting tangled and annoying and I have half a mind to just chop it all off, go for a pixie cut or something. BUT. I have always had long hair and I had it digipermed last year, so sayang naman. Lol. So a ponytail or bun is my my go-to hairstyle lately.

  23. Pony tail for 4 years, when McKenzie turned 4 yo, decided to cut it short.

  24. I can't do headband.. may airport ako sa noo!

    I go for the usual pony tail. my best friend since I was a Kid! haha

  25. Whenever my hair is long I usually put it up in a ponytail when I'm just at home then just let it loose when I'm out. But right now I actually have a short hairstyle, so it's easier to maintain.

  26. The braided hair looks nice but alas all I can usually manage is a hasty pony tail.

  27. Now, I want to cut my hair short and add some color on it.

  28. My choice was to cut my hair short.. Easy breezy maintenance! hahaha with colors still! :D

  29. I think the easiest hairstyle for moms is to tie your hair. The braided hair looks nice but I don't know how to do it on my own.

  30. I like the Chignon and Side braid and wish I could do that to my hair. I usually just keep it in a ponytail or just let it down.


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