Knowlarity: The Cloud Telephony Technology

Partners needed to help business integrate new powerful cloud telephony service in the Philippines.

Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are seen to be as the solution for the inclusive growth not only in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) but also in the ASEAN Economic Community which is both taking shape this year.  Vinea Distributions, Inc. (VDI0, Knowlarity’s distributor in the Philippines calls on partners to help business integrate this new powerful cloud telephony service.

LeCiel: The Korea-Style Hotel in Subic

Planning a trip this Christmas but tight on the budget? Why not go the province of Zambales and have a stay-cation in the LeCiel Hotel? 

LECIEL HOTEL provides irresistible and relaxing stay just like in Korea!

Experience a top hotel stay like those in Gangnam with Leciel Hotel.